Suffix and Arguments

Most user commands of are suffixed with `v', `vi', `h` and `hi'. The suffix `v' means that the command prints a structural formula of vertical form. The suffix `h' means that the command typesets a structural formula of horizontal form. When alternative orientations are possible, commands are differentiated by an additional suffix `i'.

The specification of each argument in a command is based on list-treating macros [#!fujita1!#]. Thus, items to be specified are listed sequentially with or without appropriate delimeters.

The argument SUBSLIST lists substituents with bonds. The argument {1==Cl;3D==O;…}, for example, means that position 1 takes a chlorine atom (Cl) through a single bond, position 3 takes an oxygen atom (O) through a double bond, and so on. Thus, a character string before every semicolon represents a mode of substitution, where a locant number with a bond modifier is separated from a substituent by means of a double equality symbol (==). Each bond modifier consists of one or two characters listed in Table [*]. The diagrams below Table [*] illustrate these bond modifiers by using a cyclohexane skeleton (\cyclohexanev).

Table: Locant numbering and bond modifiers for SUBSLIST
Bond Modifiers Printed structures
nD exocyclic double bond at n-atom
n or nS exocyclic single bond at n-atom
nA alpha single bond at n-atom
nB beta single bond at n-atom
nSA alpha single bond at n-atom (dotted line)
nSB beta single bond at n-atom (boldface)
nSa alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom
nSb beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom

1==1;2==2;3==3;4==4;5==5;6==6          1A==1A;2A==2A;3A==3A;4A==4A;5A==5A;6A==6A          1B==1B;2B==2B;3B==3B;4B==4B;5B==5B;6B==6B

1Sa==1Sa;1Sb==1Sb;2Sa==2Sa;2Sb==2Sb;3Sa==3Sa;3Sb==3Sb;4Sa==4Sa;4Sb==4Sb;5Sa==5Sa;5Sb==5Sb;6Sa==6Sa;6Sb==6Sb                  1SA==1SA;1SB==1SB;2SA==2SA;2SB==2SB;3SA==3SA;3SB==3SB;4SA==4SA;4SB==4SB;5SA==5SA;5SB==5SB;6SA==6SA;6SB==6SB

The optional argument OPT of \Sformb contains a string of one or two characters for giving a pattern of double bonds (e.g., `r' for a right-hand set of aromatic double bonds `l' for a left-hand set of aromatic double bonds, and `c' for an aromatic circle for the macro \bzdrv). Since the argument OPT is an option, a default set of bonds is used when omitted.

The optional argument BONDLIST contains a character string, each character of which is used for assigning a specific inner double bond (e.g., `a', `b', … for the double bonds of a given bond-numbering). Since the argument BONDLIST is an option, a default is used when omitted: the commands \Sformd and \Sformc (for drawing heterocycles) typeset default sets of bonds, while most Sforma commands (for drawing carbocycles) print fully saturated skeletons.

The argument ATOMLIST (e.g., {1==O;4==O}) contains hetero atoms and their positions on the ring structure to be printed: this example argument produces a dioxane skeleton, when used in command \sixheterov.